Jun 14, 2021A glimmer of hope...It doesn't take a reader here at HNIM long to figure it out. I don't like the organization running this team. Whether it is their...
May 30, 2021You take the fun out of watching sportsYou know who you are. You have no class. You can't control yourself. You're a thug. Constantly going on social media to insult and...
May 26, 2021Alice falls further down the Rabbit holeAs another disappointing season comes to a close (who here actually believes this will be 2010 all over again?) and the Canadiens brass...
May 13, 2021Portons nos lunettes roses Le Canadien s'est finalement qualifié, de peine et de misère, pour les séries éliminatoires après les avoir manqué ces dernières années...
May 11, 2021Systemic issues need fixing As another disappointing season comes to an end, the language issue surrounding this team has reared its ugly head once again. Oh but...